Avalanche Bulletin

更新日時: 2025/01/15 05:30


Alpine Good

Treeline Good

Below Treeline Good

信頼度:○ good □ Fair △ Low

Travel and Terrain Advice

Very dangerous avalanche conditions. On the north side of the steep slope, the vulnerability that caused a small avalanche yesterday remains unresolved and continues to be loaded with heavy snowfall. On the other hand, on the south side, crusts formed by solar radiation are on the steep slopes and have the potential to become large avalanche bed surfaces. Today is a good day to enjoy powder snow in the ski area. If you do so, please observe the areas where you are allowed to ski. It is important for your safety as well as the safety of other guests.

Avalanche Problem

ストームスラブ Storm slab


Even if you are in the forest at low elevation, this is a day to carefully assess the start zones and tracks that are there. Even if you are in the foothills, consider whether there are any large start zones above you.

点発生乾雪雪崩 Dry Loose snow


Stay alert for very steep slopes that have the shape of a gully, even in the forest.



Yesterday (14th), several size 1 storm slabs were reported on the northeast to east slopes of the treeline.


Since yesterday afternoon or early today, there has been heavy snowfall accompanied by southwesterly winds. In the north, 50 cm of snow has fallen in the past 12 hours, and conditions remain strong. The steep south-facing slopes are filled with Melt-Freeze crusts that formed on January 11-12. This crust provides a good bed surface where large slab avalanches can occur. The wind is blowing from the southwest at an average of about 10 m/s on the main ridge, but it is forecast to change to the north. Even if the snowfall weakens, the danger level will remain the same.


The Japan Meteorological Agency is forecasting southerly winds, later northerly winds, cloudy, with occasional snow, and a daytime high of 5 °C (418 m elevation) for northern Nagano Prefecture. At Amedas Hakuba (elevation 703 m), the temperature is -0.4 °C (as of 5:00), and 18 cm of snow has fallen in the past 6 hours.

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