Avalanche Bulletin

更新日時: 2022/03/31 06:00


Alpine Fair 降雨の開始に注意

Treeline Fair 降雨の開始に注意

Below Treeline Fair 降雨の開始に警戒

信頼度:○ good □ Fair △ Low

Travel and Terrain Advice

The intensity of snow cover decreases further with rainfall, so please stay away from or enter slopes with glide cracks. Even if the rainfall is over, meltwater is flowing within the snow cover, so it is often possible to see Glide avalanche after time has elapsed. The river cracks have progressed, and the snow bridge is also weakening, so please be wary of stepping. Snow surfaces washed by rain are more slippery than those that have been turned into stop snow due to strong solar radiation. By choosing the terrain, you will be able to glide safely like that.

Avalanche Problem

全層雪崩 Glide slab




No new avalanches were reported yesterday (30th).


Due to the temperature rise yesterday (30th) and the strong solar radiation, the snow cover surface layer became sufficiently wet. Even at high altitudes, the temperature has been positive until this morning, and snow melting is progressing. The intensity of the snow cover has decreased, so please pay attention to the state of rainfall in the future.


The Japan Meteorological Agency predicts the Joetsu region of Niigata prefecture from south wind, later, north wind, rain, and afternoon, sometimes cloudy, and a high temperature of 10 degrees Celsius (elevation 13 m). The temperature is 4℃ (as of 5:00) at Myoko Sasagamine (elevation 1,310m).

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