更新日時: 2023/01/14 04:00
Alpine Fair Watch for rising temperatures and rainfall
Treeline Fair Watch for rising temperatures and rainfall
Below Treeline Good Watch for rising temperatures and rainfall
信頼度:○ good □ Fair △ Low
Temperatures are expected to rise with rainfall. When snowballs begin to roll on steep slopes, it is a sign that the snowpack is losing strength. Watch for the possibility of loose snow avalanches and snow cover collapse from large southerly steep slopes. Also watch for possible snow block collapses and glide avalanches from cliff-like areas with thin snowpack or open glide cracks in lower elevations.
Beware of possible wet snow avalanche loose snow avalanche from large steep slopes
Beware of cliff-like areas with thin snow cover and open glide cracks.
No new avalanches were reported observed yesterday.
Due to yesterday's warming, the snowpack below 1600m went from moist to wet in all directions, with a loss of snow surface strength on the steeper southerly slopes. Bonding in the middle part of the snowpack is good. Elevations affected by rainfall since midnight are expected to be at least 1000m.
As of 4:00, the temperature at Amedas Fujiwara is 2.9°C. There had been 2.5 mm of rainfall in the past 12 hours. The Japan Meteorological Agency is forecasting generally cloudy skies due to a front and moist air, with some morning and evening showers in the foothills of northern Gunma Prefecture.