Avalanche Bulletin

更新日時: 2023/03/13 05:30


Alpine Low Depends on the degree of snowfall or rainfall

Treeline Low Depends on the degree of rainfall

Below Treeline Fair Depends on the degree of rainfall

信頼度:○ good □ Fair △ Low

Travel and Terrain Advice

The day is more dangerous at lower elevations. Stay away from slopes that already have glide cracks. In addition to large slopes, localized steep slopes, such as side slopes of forest roads, require extra vigilance. In addition, if high temperatures persist, meltwater can occur throughout the day and night. Glide avalanches and snow block collapses during the night are also quite common. Although cooler temperatures are predicted after the front passes, it is a mistake to assume that the danger will decrease in the afternoon when temperatures begin to drop. Do not relax your vigilance for glide avalanches until you are completely off the mountain.

Avalanche Problem

全層雪崩 Glide slab


点発生湿雪雪崩 Wet Loose snow




Yesterday (March 12), numerous wet loose snow avalanches (size 1-2) were observed in all aspects at lower elevations and on sunny southern slopes at higher elevations. Glide avalanches were also reported.


There was no overnight cooling and temperatures remained above plus 7°C until this morning. In addition, rainfall is forecast. Consider that the snowpack, which was continuously warmed up until the previous day, has lost much of its strength.


The Japan Meteorological Agency is forecasting winds from the south, then from the north, cloudy, morning to early afternoon, rain, then clear, with a high of 14°C (418 m elevation) for northern Nagano Prefecture. At Amedas Hakuba (elevation 703 m), the temperature is 7.7°C (as of 5:00). Yesterday, at Amedas Hakuba, a maximum temperature of 16.4°C was recorded (at 14:00).

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