Avalanche Bulletin

更新日時: 2023/03/23 06:00


Alpine Fair

Treeline Fair

Below Treeline Fair

信頼度:○ good □ Fair △ Low

Travel and Terrain Advice

Please keep in mind that large-scale wet loose snow avalanches can occur on large steep slopes. Due to the high temperatures and strong solar radiation, the snowpack strength has reduced to a deep level. Wet snow is so heavy that even small avalanches can easily push people off. Check for "terrain traps" below the slope. Cliffs, glide cracks, and deep gullies can be high hazards. The snow is melting and the danger of glide avalanche continues. Please be vigilant on slopes with glide cracks, even at Treeline. The weather is slowly worsening. Have a good day.

Avalanche Problem

全層雪崩 Glide slab


At lower elevations, high temperatures continue throughout the night.

点発生湿雪雪崩 Wet Loose snow


Rating is as of the morning.



Yesterday (March 22), a size 1 wet loose snow avalanche was observed at lower elevations.


Due to the high temperatures and solar radiation over consecutive days, the snow has become sufficiently wet and reduced in strength deep in the snowpack surface layer. Since only the surface of the snowpack freezes when the temperature drops at night, conditions are such that loose snow avalanches can occur as soon as the temperature rises during the day and the snow is exposed to strong solar radiation. Therefore, the size of loose snow avalanches can be large on large slopes.


The Japan Meteorological Agency is forecasting winds from the south, slightly stronger, then from the west, cloudy and rainy from midday, with a maximum temperature of 23°C (13 m elevation) for the Joetsu region of Niigata Prefecture. At Sasagamine, Myoko (elevation 1,310 m), the temperature is 4° (as of 5:45 a.m.).

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