更新日時: 2024/02/08 05:00
Alpine Fair Isolated pockets of stiff wind slab can be found at higher elevations.
Treeline Good
Below Treeline Good
信頼度:○ good □ Fair △ Low
Local trailheads and backcountry access gates have been busy over the last few days as warmer weather and periods of clear skies has led to people venturing further from the ski areas. Be mindful of others above and below you whilst travelling in the alpine where slabs can be found below ridgeline and protected areas. Caution should be taken to not expose members of your group to slopes with fresh wind deposited snow.
Strong westerly winds at higher elevations have created stiff wind slab on lee slopes. Look for sighs of smooth wind pressed snow around ridgelines and on protected easterly slopes in the alpine.
No new activity has been reported across the region.
Broken sunshine over the last few days has resulted in a warmed snow surface on southerly slopes that has re-frozen leaving a curst. This adds to the multiple other crusts that can be found in the upper snowpack at treeline and below. At higher elevations drummy hollow slabs have be observed on easterly aspects
Light to modeare westerly winds and snow flirries are expected in the coming days. We are not expecting much in the way of new snow accumluation.