更新日時: 2024/04/01 05:30
Alpine Low
Treeline Fair
Below Treeline Fair
信頼度:○ good □ Fair △ Low
It will be a typical spring day. Slopes that are hard and icy in the morning will change to pleasant corn snow conditions by mid-day. And on steep slopes, where the effects of warmth and sunshine are strong, the risk of wet loose snow avalanches increases. Also, at very low elevations, water floats on the snow surface, turning it into stop snow, and in the late afternoon, it begins to freeze, again changing to highly skiable conditions. If you notice that the snow on the surface begins to lose strength, consider the possibility of a loose snow avalanche. Then, be alert to the slope above you. Wet snow is very heavy and can easily knock one over. Have a good day.
Watch out for unstable slabs remaining in terrain pockets with extreme shapes. The main ridge is currently experiencing westerly winds averaging about 10 m/s.
Rating is as of morning. Note the rise in temperature and solar radiation during the day.
Rating is as of morning. Stay away from slopes with glide cracks.
Yesterday (31st), several size 1-1.5 loose snow avalanches were observed below 2,000 m elevation. A size 1 glide avalanche was also reported.
In the alpine area, wind slabs are forming in terrain pockets due to the slight snowfall (about 5 cm) until the morning of the 31st on the hard snow surface exposed by the storm on the 30th. Near the treeline, slopes unaffected by the DSS on the 30th can be skied comfortably. Below treeline, snow melting is progressing and expanding glide cracks are being observed.
The Japan Meteorological Agency is forecasting northerly winds, clear skies, and a daytime high of 15 °C for northern Nagano Prefecture. At 703 m elevation (Hakuba), the temperature is 2.0 °C (as of 5:00 a.m.) with no rainfall in the past 12 hours.