Avalanche Bulletin

更新日時: 2024/12/27 06:00


Alpine Low

Treeline Low

Below Treeline Fair Anchors are beginning to fill in below treeline.

信頼度:○ good □ Fair △ Low

Travel and Terrain Advice

Very dangerous avalanche conditions. We recommend that inexperienced skiers enjoy themselves on the ski slopes. If you do so, do not enter the closed areas. It is for your safety and at the same time important for the safety of other visitors. Even within the ski area, when skiing on fresh snow, it is a good habit for several people to check each other out. Good habits may come in handy on the mountain someday. In the mountains, very large avalanches can occur. Think carefully about whether there are any large start zones above you. Even if you are at a lower elevation, this is a very important perspective. Be conservative in your route setting and follow a principled course of action. The gully in the tree line is not yet completely filled, and glide cracks are wide open on the slopes. Please be aware that holes and glide cracks may be hidden under the fresh snow.

Avalanche Problem

ストームスラブ Storm slab


Pay attention to the slope; 30° is not steep enough for skiing but steep enough for avalanches.

全層雪崩 Glide slab


Beware of steep open slopes with no underpinning below 1200m. Rain effects will not be resolved quickly.

ウインドスラブ Wind slab


Watch out for steep, unsupported slopes on the leeward side.



No new avalanches were reported yesterday (26th).


The beginning of yesterday's (26th) precipitation was warmer, with rainfall in areas roughly lower than 1300-1400 m elevation. Since early last morning, snow has been falling on top of the previous snowfall or crusts formed by the rain and wet flakes. In the upper part of the forest zone, it has reached 50-60 cm. On the main ridge, winds are blowing from the west to the northwest with an average of 15 m/s and a maximum of 25 m/s.


Today, a winter pressure pattern is expected to intensify. As a result, snowy and cloudy skies are forecast in the north with thunderstorms until the evening, and daytime high temperatures of 4 °C are forecast. At the AMeDAS Hakuba (elevation 703 m), the temperature is -0.9 °C (as of 5:00 pm), and 14 cm of snow has fallen in the past 12 hours. The Nagano District Meteorological Observatory is forecasting 40 cm of snowfall in the next 24 hours until 18:00 on the 27th along the mountains of the Daihoku region.

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