Avalanche Bulletin

更新日時: 2024/12/27 05:00

Niseko Yotei Yoichi Shiribeshi

Alpine Good

Treeline Good

Below Treeline Good

信頼度:○ good □ Fair △ Low

Travel and Terrain Advice

Debris falling from trees during the current winds are a hazard so please be mindful of where you group up. These tree bombs act as a solid feature below if you come into contact. Previously reported hazards such as river crossing remain and visibility will be lower today at higher elevations due to blown snow.

Avalanche Problem

ウインドスラブ Wind slab


Westerly winds yesterday reached gale force in the afternoon transporting further loading onto lee slopes. Testing during the day at tree line resulted in the failure of small pockets of fresh wind load around ridgeline and in protected areas. We have received up to 40cm of new snow in the south of the region resulting plenty of new snow being avaible for transport.



No new activity has been reported.


At lower elevations curst had formed below the latest new snow which began to fall at warmer temperatures before cooling occurred throughout the day. The mid to lower pack is right side up and well settled in this recent warming event


Gale force north westerly winds at higher elevations are expected throughout today with continuned snow fall.

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