Avalanche Bulletin

更新日時: 2025/01/06 07:00

Niseko Yotei Yoichi Shiribeshi

Alpine Fair Uncertainty exists as to whether the temperature will get high enough to create a Stormslab in the Alpine today.

Treeline Good The rise in temperature is the main factor affecting the snowpack today

Below Treeline Good The rise in temperature is the main factor affecting the snowpack today

信頼度:○ good □ Fair △ Low

Travel and Terrain Advice

Watch out for changes in the surface snow as the temperatures rise today. The warm temperatures will make the snow heavy and more likely to activate the storm slab problem. Glidecracks continue to open and are starting to re-fill with new storm snow. There are some large Cornices in the ALP, be cautious when approaching ridgeline.

Avalanche Problem

ストームスラブ Storm slab


Significant rise in temperature today will make the surface snow turn into a Slab, especially at lower elevations

ウインドスラブ Wind slab




No new avalanches reported in the region yesterday.


5-10cm of new snow overnight was accompanied by moderate SW winds in the high ALP and light SW winds at TL. In the ALP the surface condition is quite variable, with hard wind affected surfaces on Westerly aspects and Old, hard Windslab on lee aspects at higher elevations. Cornices have grown recently and several Cornice failures have been seen in the past week. On sheltered slopes in the ALP up to 30cm soft snow overlies the old Windslab. At TL and below 30cm of soft snow on the surface has made for great riding conditions, however the rise in temperature today will make this surface snow heavier and more likely to become a Slab. Sunny aspects on Shiribetsu have several crusts within the upper snowpack.


Warmer air coming up from the South will affect the region today. Freezing level is expected to rise to 500m today. Snowfall is forecast for this morning which will be wet and heavy at lower elevations with the possibility of rain in the valley bottom. Winds will be light SW today with overcast skies all day.

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