Avalanche Bulletin

更新日時: 2025/01/11 06:00


Alpine Low

Treeline Low

Below Treeline Fair

信頼度:○ good □ Fair △ Low

Travel and Terrain Advice

Dangerous avalanche conditions continue. Careful assessment of terrain and conservative route planning is required. Even if the weather improves, start your day by exploring small slopes for snowpack conditions. Look around the surrounding terrain for signs of wind. Once you see wind slab formation, move to terrain with a slower slope and no large steep slopes at the top. It is important to maintain good communication with your companions and continue with your principled course of action. There are many places where glide cracks are hidden by fresh snow. Be vigilant at the convex slope.

Avalanche Problem

ウインドスラブ Wind slab


Very strong westerly winds are blowing continuously.

ストームスラブ Storm slab


On steep slopes, except at lower elevations or in areas exposed to very strong winds, one should be aware of the instability of stormy weather.



Yesterday (10th), a size 1-1.5 wind slab avalanche was reported at morning ski resort management. No reports have come in for the treeline and alpine areas due to stormy weather.


Stormy snowfall since January 6 has been 100-120 cm below treeline. This new snow is densifying and sintering toward the lower layers, but wind slabs are forming on the surface of snowpack affected by the wind. Snowfall still remains in some areas in the northern part of the Myoko Mountains area.


The Japan Meteorological Agency is forecasting westerly winds, later southerly, cloudy, with occasional snow or rain until the evening, and daytime highs of 5 °C (13 m elevation) for the Joetsu region of Niigata Prefecture. At Sasagamine, Myoko (elevation 1,310 m), the temperature is -7 °C (as of 4:45 a.m.), with 12 cm of snow having fallen in the past 12 hours and 39 cm in the past 24 hours.

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