Avalanche Bulletin

更新日時: 2025/01/11 07:00

Niseko Yotei Yoichi Shiribeshi

Alpine Fair Limited Alpine observations reduce our confidence in the avalanche hazard rating

Treeline Good Watch for recent wind loading on leeward aspects

Below Treeline Good Hazard may increase on steep solar aspects if the sun comes out today.

信頼度:○ good □ Fair △ Low

Travel and Terrain Advice

Look for new Windslab that formed yesterday at higher elevations. Use caution around newly formed Cornices as they will be weak and likely to fail easily. Assess changes in the snow condition if the sun comes out today. Watch out for a thin crust on the surface that formed yesterday on steep solar slopes.

Avalanche Problem

ウインドスラブ Wind slab


Recent North and North-West winds have redistributed the storm snow onto leeward slopes.

ストームスラブ Storm slab


Warm temperatures have caused the recent storm snow to settle into a slab. This may still be a problem today on slopes that are warm and sunny.



A size 1 Windslab was triggered by a skier on a convex roll below a ridgeline, on an Easterly aspect yesterday. The Windslab was 10cm deep and a few meters wide.


Warm temperatures yesterday caused the recent storm snow to settle into a slab and become more dense. The sun was affecting the snow surface yesterday afternoon, there is a likely a thin crust on steep South and West aspects this morning.


Another day of warm temperatures, with a high of 0C at valley bottom today. A mix of sun and cloud is forecast with light snow showers this morning. Winds will be light from the North.

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