Avalanche Bulletin

更新日時: 2025/01/29 05:30


Alpine Fair

Treeline Fair Danger increases with the amount of snowfall.

Below Treeline Good Danger increases with the amount of snowfall.

信頼度:○ good □ Fair △ Low

Travel and Terrain Advice

This is a day of increasing avalanche danger depending on the amount of snowfall in the coming days. Consider that yesterday's low cohesion snow has accumulated in the treeline and alpine areas, and that the danger level will increase rapidly depending on the amount of snowfall. Heavy snow is forecast and wind and snow will increase. This is a day when visibility will be poor and situational awareness of surroundings will be difficult. This is a good day for inexperienced groups to have fun on the slopes in the ski resort.

Avalanche Problem

ストームスラブ Storm slab


At higher elevations where yesterday's cohesive snow has accumulated, the danger level will increase rapidly in conjunction with the amount of snowfall. Please pay close attention to snowfall and wind intensity in the field to detect this increase in danger.



Yesterday (28th), a size 1-1.5 loose snow avalanche was observed on the east slope of Alpine. This was due to the uncohesive snow that began shaking that morning.


Around the treeline, yesterday's snowfall is on the Melt-Freeze crust on the south side and on the settled old snow on the north side. Yesterday's snowfall (about 15 cm) is observed only at higher elevations. And here today, the snow that began to fall in the morning is starting to accumulate. Winds are still light, with an average wind speed of 5 m/s on the main ridge, but are expected to increase in the coming days, with heavy snowfalls predicted. The overall structure of the area will have a high density of blowing snow on top of low cohesion snow, which will lead to easily recognizable instability in the future.


The Japan Meteorological Agency is forecasting southerly winds, snow, and occasionally cloudy until midday, with a daytime high of 5 °C (418 m elevation) for northern Nagano Prefecture. The temperature at Amedas Hakuba (elevation 703 m) is -3.1 °C (as of 5:00 pm), with no new snowfall in the past 12 hours. The Nagano District Meteorological Observatory is forecasting 50 cm of heavy snowfall for northern Nagano Prefecture in the next 24 hours until 6:00 a.m. on March 30, at 4:26 a.m.

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