Avalanche Bulletin

更新日時: 2025/01/05 07:00

Niseko Yotei Yoichi Shiribeshi

Alpine Low Wind and storm slabs still exists in the alpine especially on the South and East aspects.

Treeline Good The surface snow is loose and with passing time it is settling slowly. This is good. Sun shine can rapidly warms snow. Rapid settlement from sun is not a good.

Below Treeline Good The snow pack is more settled. but wind and storm slabs are still possible

信頼度:○ good □ Fair △ Low

Travel and Terrain Advice

Sunshine rapidly warms surface snow and makes us more confident. But be careful of rapid warming of the snow pack. When the snow begins to fall off the trees, roll down the hill and the snow becomes moist and thick, it is time to go home or find areas out of the sun to travel. Glide cracks are opening and early conditions still exist. avoid spending time in gullies and care not to drop onto other parties.

Avalanche Problem

ストームスラブ Storm slab


If the surface snow settles too rapidly storm slabs likelihood will increase today

ウインドスラブ Wind slab


Winds have been dropping and the wind slab problem is less likely today tree line and below



No new Avalanches were reported yesterday in the forecast area


6cm new snow reported in Kutchan in the last 24 hours. Rusutsu reported 20cm since last night. Snow settlement continues. The height of snow at Kutchan is 5cm lower than yesterday . In the alpine near and on ridge tops a variety of surface conditions exist. Crusty condition exist on wind exposed ridges and stiffer slabs on the sheltered lee ward side. Tree line and below softer looser surface snow conditions exist and better riding in areas sheltered from wind and sun. the mid pack is still needs The lower snow pack is well bonded and beginning to glide down hill especially in steep open slopes.more time to settle. Shiribetsu has a supportable crust south aspects low on the mountain and now has 20-40cm new snow in the last 48 hours


Yoichi area: Snow showers decreasing this morning. Partly cloudy skies in the afternoon. Moderate West winds decreasing. Air temperatures well below freezing. Winds shift to south late. Temperatures rise overnight with freezing level tomorrow rising to 450m Niseko area: Showers decreasing West winds continue to drop and switch south late in the day. Partly cloudy in the afternoon. Tonight warmer Heavy snow or rain possible early tomorrow morning.

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