Avalanche Bulletin

更新日時: 2025/01/27 05:30


Alpine Good

Treeline Good

Below Treeline Good Evaluation based on the northern part of the country where there is a lot of new snow

信頼度:○ good □ Fair △ Low

Travel and Terrain Advice

This is a day when certain terrain still has the instability that caused so many avalanches yesterday. In other words, terrain selection is key. Those gaining elevation should carefully observe the slope snowpack and notice any slab formations. It is also important to avoid convex or unsupported terrain and to check for "terrain traps" below you. Glide crack conditions may be difficult to recognize in some areas due to new snow. Be alert where the slope changes.

Avalanche Problem

ウインドスラブ Wind slab


Watch out for slabs forming on the leeward side of the ridge.

ストームスラブ Storm slab


Only evaluated in the northern part of the country, where there is a lot of fresh snow.

点発生乾雪雪崩 Dry Loose snow


On a very steep slope unaffected by wind.



Yesterday (26th), numerous avalanches were observed on the east and south slopes of Alpine. Most of them were loose snow avalanches of size 1-1.5 or slab avalanches of size 1-2. They were also sensitive to human stimulation such as ski cuts. Yesterday around noon, one person was swept away by an avalanche at an elevation of 1,500 m on the north face of Oonagi-Yama The person involved was not injured and is descending the mountain.


In the northern part of the Hakuba Valley, there was 20-40 cm of new snow from the 24th to the morning of the 26th near the treeline. This new snow has some vulnerability due to the boundary between the old snow (Melt-Freeze crust in the south) and the larger snow particles in the new snow. In addition, wind redistributed snow in the alpine, where it was loaded, and yesterday the snowpack was sensitive to human stimulation. It is necessary to consider that at higher elevations, this vulnerability has not yet been eliminated.


The Japan Meteorological Agency is forecasting southerly winds, later northerly winds, cloudy, sometimes sunny, with a daytime high of 7 °C (418 m elevation) for northern Nagano Prefecture. At Amedas Hakuba (elevation 703 m), the temperature is -8.3 °C (as of 5:00 a.m.), with no new snowfall in the past 12 hours. At Alpine (elevation 2,400 m), the temperature is -11 °C (as of 5:00) with an average wind speed of 3 m/s from the north.

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